My calling in life is "to take people, places and things to their next level" which is how I move to my next level too. In the process I learn a lot.
Managing the care of our parents with the with the help of family, friends, and professionals I now have a LOT to share. My main goal is to educate, motivate, inspire, and empower others to see what can be done with dementia, especially as they keep their parents together.
Managing the care of our parents with the with the help of family, friends, and professionals I now have a LOT to share. My main goal is to educate, motivate, inspire, and empower others to see what can be done with dementia, especially as they keep their parents together.
Linda McKendry (nee Gamble)
You don't realize you are a writer until you look back at collections of letters from boarding school, poems written as a child, and support materials developed for consulting, instructing, and public speaking. In school we took English and Literature as separate classes. In boarding school we had junior and senior choirs, orchestras, and drama clubs so there were lots of opportunities to write for or about events. I became one of the poster and sign makers for the school in Grade 8, so that added art to writing.
I took a creative writing course at the local College and learned a lot about my 'style' and why I am considered a 'creative speller'. That means that because I'm a public speaker where spelling and punctuation don't matter, writing right is a real challenge. Thank God for all the spell check and grammar programs that make us all look good!
Feel free to offer suggestions about topics or challenges to research solutions if I don't have any ideas from what we did with Mom and Dad.
Things are always changing. New products come onto the market for our ageing generation, including technology.
I took a creative writing course at the local College and learned a lot about my 'style' and why I am considered a 'creative speller'. That means that because I'm a public speaker where spelling and punctuation don't matter, writing right is a real challenge. Thank God for all the spell check and grammar programs that make us all look good!
Feel free to offer suggestions about topics or challenges to research solutions if I don't have any ideas from what we did with Mom and Dad.
Things are always changing. New products come onto the market for our ageing generation, including technology.
THEN...At my current age no matter when you are reading this, I hope I'm still 'retreading' like good, useful tires, and not 'retiring', as in, sitting home unable to engage any more. My parents, were amazingly active and mobile for their age, even to the very end. I'm hoping I have some good genes from their bloodlines.
At first I tried to run my consulting business, VMPConsulting Ltd (Today's Displays ) while caring for Mom and Dad in more of a supervisor capacity. As my book describes, we took them out of assisted living and I moved my business from a commercial unit to share a rented house close to my daughter. Every step we took involved using all the gifts, talents, training, and experience from my life to that point. I am the oldest in a family of four kids and we grew up in India where my parents were missionaries for over twenty-five years. We never know what things we've learned and experienced from our past stand us in good stead when we are faced with a challenge we choose to take on. In 2012 just before my mother passed away a visitor suggested I write a book. She was quite impressed with how things were organized to keep Mom and Dad together while caring for them 24/7 I recall feeling too exhausted at the moment to be excited about it. However, because the thought was planted and I knew we were the rare exception in elder care, I made some notes and took some pictures. Dad died in 2013 and within days of burying him I was with my husband through his medical crisis with heart surgery, vocal chord radiation, and a brain aneurysm with global amnesia. As soon as he was stable, I decided to take a serious rest. In 2015 I took the entire year off to write, journal, paint, sit in the sun, and meditate on my future. I enjoyed lots of on-line virtual conferences, teachings, music, and all things YouTube! I founded Visiquad Consulting and began to make notes and write a few chapters here and there for the book about keeping our parents together and what was done with dementia. At my current age, there's too much to share about my life so far, but I have put some of the highlights in a few sections on this page anyone can refer to if interested. Vertical Divider
NOW...Other things I do...Today's Displays c/o Visiquad
Published for my clients, agents, and audiences at seminars, workshops, and gift shows.
Timeless display principles that educate, motivate, inspire, and increase sales and profits of products at Point of Sale. . ALSO... ARTICLES IN TRADE MAGAZINES |